Friday, May 17, 2019

Anne Hathaway Gets In "Shape"

Take a look at new images, plus footage of  actress Anne Hathaway ("The Dark Knight Rises") in the June 2019 issue of "Shape" magazine:

"Finding yourself takes as long as it takes," said Hathaway, "and I'm still in the process. It's not as if I'm sitting in the lotus position ready to dole out advice.

"Some days are still like, Whoa, I just fell off this cliff again! But learning how to be kind to yourself while you’re discovering who you are is something I wish for everybody. 

"Not having all the answers, not knowing what to do, and making mistakes—those aren't reasons to beat yourself up....

"Before...I sensed this pressure to fill my schedule. If I wasn't working, I felt like I was wasting time. Now I know I have to build in breaks in my year, and there are times when I'm just not available to work because it's important for me to be home...

"So I shop a lot less. I cook a lot more. I read a lot more. I write a lot more. I communicate a lot more. I make more time for the things that matter to me because suddenly I have more time."

"I'm not a 'natural wellness' warrior. I have friends who go to longevity conventions. They take crystal baths. For me, I try to make it to yoga three or four times a week..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek Anne Hathaway...