Saturday, February 7, 2015

"Fantastic Four": 'Sue Storm' Covers "Esquire"

Take another look @ images of actress Kate Mara aka 'Sue Storm' from the new "Fantastic Four" feature posing in an international issue of "Esquire" magazine:

"I don't feel more responsibility with this role that I've felt with others," said Mara about playing 'The Invisible Woman'  on the big screen. 

"I understand that there are many fans of 'Fantastic Four' and I guess they expect a lot from me, but I prefer not to be pressured by that. 

"We are trying to create a new way of seeing these superheroes...

"...focusing on making her as real as possible..."

"...the plot won't be based on any history of anything already published...

"But, I am a fan of comic book movies...

" it's very exciting to be part of a movie like this..."

Click the images to enlarge...