Saturday, November 25, 2017

More "Xena: Warrior Princess"

Dynamite Entertainment's "Xena" #1, based on the television series, is written by Meredith Finch and illustrated by Vicente Cifuentes, with covers by cover by David Finch and Cifuentes, available February 14, 2018:

"...the path to redemption is never easy and the journey of a warrior princess seeking to wash the blood of innocents from her hands is no exception.

"'Xena' travels to 'Athens', to plead for redemption in the temple of 'Eleos'. But some things can never be forgiven and the shadows of past sins are long.

"Will Xena find redemption or betrayal waiting for her in the temple of the gods?..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Xena"...