Wednesday, December 18, 2019

"Catwoman: The Masks Of Selina Kyle"

Take a look at DC Comics' "Catwoman" #18, now available, written and illustrated by Joelle Jones with covers by David Finch and Kris Anka:

"...'Catwoman' has made her choice. She will use the map 'Lex Luthor' gave her to prevent 'Raina Creel' from finding the 'Lazarus Pit' and rebuilding herself. But has 'Selina' fully weighed the cost?

"To go this route, she will effectively be taking over 'Villa Hermosa', a secret she will have to keep hidden from the 'Batman'. 

"That is, if she survives a deadly counter attack. The 'Creels' have already been experimenting with life after death...

"...and assassins they send to stop Selina will come armed with more than nine lives..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Catwoman"...